Mission MightyMe

Backed by Science We are passionate parents of kids with food allergies and one of the world’s leading pediatric allergists, Dr. Gideon Lack. Dr. Lack’s research has revolutionized food allergy prevention and is transforming the way we feed our kids. His groundbreaking Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) Study found that most peanut allergies could be prevented by including peanut protein in babies’ diets - early and often. And subsequent studies, including Dr. Lack’s EAT Study , have shown this proactive approach can work for other foods as well. His research upended decades of outdated food allergy advice and led to new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines recommending early peanut introduction in infancy. Made with Love Our third child was born the same year that Dr. Lack’s research was making headlines. Our oldest daughter is allergic to most nuts and we wanted to do anything we could to prevent another food allergy in our family. But that was easier sa...